Floating guy

Was your guy successful ?

No because we needed more foam under his head so his head would be out of water.

What could have been improved on in your design ?

We could have put more foam around his body and head for him to float

How does the life jacket cause the density of the man to change ?

The more foam on his back and front side will cause him to float and the lees foam will cause him to sink


Machines are some you can make to do things easier. You can use them in your everyday life.Rube Goldberg is a machine that take a lot of things too do one thing like blowing out a candle.For example, you have a monkey holding a string and its connected to a pulley which is holding a rock and when the monkey lets go of the rope the rock on the pulley will fall on the power button on the fan and the fan will blow out the candle.Its hard to make a machine like that but is really cool watching it work .Pulleys,wheel and axle,lever, or a wedge and incline plane.All of these are examples of simple machines and these machines help you do hard things like lifting a big rock MUCH easier!